Blog Archive

Most Common Ways You Can Get A Herniated Disc Feb 26th, 2025

Herniated discs are among the most common causes of back and neck pain — nearly 3 million people get one every year. They occur when a spinal disc’s soft, gel-like center pushes through a crack in the tough outer layer.  This abnormal bulging puts pressure on nearby nerves, triggering pain...

The Link Between Spinal Health and Stress Feb 25th, 2025

Ever notice how your body reacts when you’re stressed? Your stomach turns, your brain goes haywire, and your back and neck start aceh.  You’re not imagining anything — mental and physical health are closely linked, and it’s not uncommon for chronic stress to have a negative impact on your spinal health. ...

Dealing with Carpal Tunnel at Your Desk Job Feb 5th, 2025

You wouldn’t put a desk job on a list of high-risk occupations, but your hands and wrists would if they had a say. The unnatural position, the repetitive motion, the constant strain on your wrist — all of it is a recipe for disaster in the form of carpal tunnel...

Navigating Pain Relief After an Injury: How a Doctor on Lien Works for You Feb 1st, 2025

The only thing worse than your personal injury is figuring out where to get treatment and how you’re going to pay for it before your case settles.  But you don’t have to worry about that when you work with our expert doctor on lien.  For years, Dr. David Wu and...

Radiofrequency Ablation: Why it may be the Solution to Your Chronic Back Pain Jan 15th, 2025

Almost everyone (approximately 80% of people, in fact) experiences back pain at some point in their lives. Fortunately, most cases of back pain are acute, and symptoms only last a few days or weeks. However, back pain can become chronic and disrupt virtually every facet of your life.  When your...

Strong Headache or Chronic Migraine? Knowing The Difference Jan 2nd, 2025

Despite what you might believe, not all headaches are created equally. There are more than 150 types of headaches, from tension and cluster headaches to full-blown migraines. Each type of headache presents differently and stems from a different cause.  Knowing the difference between headaches (especially headaches and migraines) is crucial...

Living with a Spinal Cord Stimulator Dec 5th, 2024

Approximately 60,000 folks receive a spinal cord stimulator every year. If you’re one of them, you know how incredibly effective they can be in finally relieving your severe back pain.  However, with your new pain-free life comes a few new rules to live by as you navigate and adapt to...

PRP Injections: A Nonsurgical Approach to Pain Relief Dec 1st, 2024

Stitches, high risk of infection, scars, long recovery periods — this is what life after surgery often looks like. Operations and invasive procedures do have their time and place for severe injuries and damage, but it’s certainly not for everyone.  If you’ve been told that surgery is your only path...

10 Foods That Can Help Relieve Joint Pain Nov 11th, 2024

There’s no substitute for our advanced treatments at CurePain, but that doesn’t mean we underestimate the power of a healthy lifestyle.  Dr. David Wu and our team of joint pain specialists know that a balanced, joint-friendly diet can maximize virtually every treatment and service we offer. That’s why we often...

When Should I See a Pain Specialist for My Bad Back? Nov 1st, 2024

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t experienced back pain at least once in their lifetime. In fact, back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide.  But because back pain is so common, it can be easy to write it off.  There are cases of acute back pain...

PRP Injections: A Holistic Approach to Healing Oct 21st, 2024

You see the term holistic next to exercise, relationships, diet, and spirituality, so it’s tough to determine exactly what it means in those contexts. Holistic also refers to a medical approach. Dr. David Wu at CurePain in California’s South Bay area specializes in holistic medicine and can help you understand...

Work in an Office? Here’s How You Can Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Oct 1st, 2024

Any repetitive hand movement, such as knitting, hairstyling, and housecleaning, can inflame the tendons in your forearms and cause carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Studies show that desk jobs that require typing on a keyboard are among the top three occupations that lead to CTS, and women are three times more...

Life After PRP Injections: How You Can Maximize Your Pain Relief Sep 23rd, 2024

Your body knows how to heal itself. It sends blood and other fluids to the injured area to surround and protect the tissue — hello, swollen ankle, knee, or shoulder. Eventually, the platelets in your blood release growth factors that begin the healing process. Unfortunately, sometimes inflammation persists longer than...

How Your Poor Posture at the Office Could Be Contributing to Your Neck Pain Sep 15th, 2024

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 18.5 million Americans work a desk job, not counting students, gamers, social media influencers, and millions of others who spend all day in front of a screen. It’s no coincidence that the number of people with neck pain has increased by over...

The Science Behind PRP Injections: How Platelets Accelerate Healing Aug 6th, 2024

Your body is an incredibly powerful biological machine equipped with its own defense mechanisms, warning systems, and even self-healing capabilities.  Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain have years of experience tapping into that built-in healing power with regenerative medicine treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. In this blog,...

The Role of PRP Injections in Sports Medicine Aug 5th, 2024

“Injury” is the nemesis of every athlete. Fortunately, advances in sports medicine have made many injuries less threatening. One such advancement is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.  Our interventional pain management team at CurePain, led by Dr. David Wu, is proud to partner with your trainers, coaches, and sports medicine providers...

Why Athletes Love PRP Jul 23rd, 2024

Every athlete — weekend warriors and Olympians alike — has the same chance of getting injured every time they lace up. An injury can make or break your progress or even have you warming the bench for the rest of the season.  Besides avoiding them in the first place, our patient-athletes want...

PRP Injections: A Natural Solution for Joint Pain Jul 1st, 2024

Your joints are some of the most complicated structures in your body. Big or small, each joint is made up of tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones, and other components that create powerful, reliable mechanisms.  Unfortunately, their complexity is also their greatest stumbling block, and your joints are the most vulnerable to...

Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain with PRP Injections Jun 19th, 2024

Chronic pain (pain that lasts three or more months) affects over 20% of adults in the United States, and it’s one of the most common reasons people go to doctors and specialists.  Unfortunately, chronic pain is hardly ever only a physical health problem. Many with chronic pain also live with...

5 Common Questions About PRP Injections Answered Jun 1st, 2024

It seems like everyone from your friends to your favorite athletes is diving in head first with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). But you’re still on the fence and not ready to give in to the hype just yet.  You’re in the right place.  Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain...

PRP Injections vs. Traditional Treatments: Which is Right for You? May 22nd, 2024

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections have quickly become one of the most popular therapies in pain management. But is it better to stick with the treatments you’re familiar with, or is it time to try something new?   Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain don’t believe the choice is...

Understanding PRP Injections: A Comprehensive Guide May 1st, 2024

You’ve heard and read enough: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections could be your ticket to a pain-free life.  But you’re not ready to dive in head first without getting some important answers. Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain are here with a comprehensive guide designed to answer two of...

How to Manage Joint Pain After a Car Accident Apr 1st, 2024

Whatever the circumstances, car accidents are often traumatic for the body and soul. All too often, the trauma lingers in the form of chronic joint pain.  You may have simply tweaked your joint in the accident, or you may have developed a condition called post-traumatic arthritis.  Either way, Dr. David...

Spinal Stenosis and Balance Problems: Understanding the Link Mar 1st, 2024

You may not realize it, but a lot goes into keeping you upright and on your feet. Your brain, nerves, muscles, bones, joints, eyes, and even your ears and blood vessels work together to help you maintain balance whether you’re lying down or standing up.  Dysfunction within any of those...

Using Steroid Injections When Carpal Tunnel Pain Slows You Down Feb 2nd, 2024

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects millions every year, and we hand out new diagnoses almost daily. But perhaps the worst part is that most don’t realize just how many treatment options they have.  When you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you might think your only course of action is to rest and...

Am I Eligible for Radiofrequency Ablation? Jan 16th, 2024

Chronic pain makes every movement agony and grinds life to a halt. It gets worse when you add the stress and worry of finding a treatment that will work for you.  You’re in the right place.  Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain specialize in advanced pain management methods...

I Have Pain After Surgery: What Could It Be? Dec 1st, 2023

You’ve sunk time and money into surgery, accepted its risks, and taken a leap of faith — you expected to feel less pain by now. You’re not alone in your disappointment.  Many, like you, turn to surgery and come out the other side right back where they started: reeling in...

Understanding How PRP Works to Relieve Your Acute and Chronic Pain Nov 2nd, 2023

When you’re hurting, the last thing you think about is what type of pain you have. All pain is indeed painful, but not all pain is the same, and understanding their differences is crucial to getting the help you need.  In this blog, Dr. David Wu and our team at...

How to Get to the Root of Your Recurrent Headaches Oct 1st, 2023

Headaches are one of the most common pain conditions in the United States. Fortunately, most headaches see themselves out once your sinuses clear or you get a good night’s sleep.  Unfortunately, 4% of people have recurrent headaches that won’t quit, bringing daily life to a screeching halt for millions of people every year, and...

5 Lifestyle Habits to Embrace while Managing Arthritis Sep 1st, 2023

Whether you’ve just noticed the first pangs in your joints or you’ve been living under the yolk of arthritis for years, you must know that pain, swelling, and stiffness don’t have to be your norm.  Around 24% of Americans live with chronic arthritis pain, and most don’t realize how close they are...

4 Common Causes of Chronic Wrist Pain Aug 1st, 2023

Your wrist may not seem like a complicated part of your anatomy; however, if you look below the surface, you find a complex network of bones and connective tissues working together to give your hand ultimate flexibility and range of motion.  Unfortunately, because your wrist works so hard day in...

How to Make the Most of Your Physical Therapy  Jul 1st, 2023

Whether recovering from an injury, healing from surgery, or addressing chronic pain, everyone wants a magic bullet cure that takes as little time as possible. But sometimes, you benefit more from a more gradual process, like physical therapy. Your customized physical therapy program includes movements, stretches, and strength-building exercises chosen...

Myths and Facts About Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for Managing Your Back Pain Jun 1st, 2023

Far and away, back pain is the most common type of pain our patients see us for. And that’s no shock if you look at the stats. Upwards of 65 million folks have back pain, and 16 million have chronic cases that significantly affect their quality of life.  There is...

4 Interventional Pain Management Techniques to Consider May 1st, 2023

Chronic pain is a health problem that impacts nearly every facet of your well-being. And if you’re one of the 50 million people who live under the daily weight of chronic pain, you know how difficult it can be to manage.  You might start with painkillers, which can be effective,...

Do Herniated Discs Go Away on Their Own? Apr 1st, 2023

A place for everything and everything in its place — that’s your body’s goal. Unfortunately, injuries and the gradual effects of time make it all too easy for your body to slip out of place.  That’s what happens when you have a herniated disc.  Discs are the parts of your...

How Cervical Radiculopathy Affects Your Neck Mar 14th, 2023

Cervical radiculopathy is a fancy way to refer to a pinched nerve in your neck — and the results can be brutal. Fortunately, you can access our team of experts at CurePain, led by international pain management specialist Dr. David Wu. In this blog, we pull back the curtains on...

How Exercise Can Ease Arthritis Symptoms and Improve Your Mobility Feb 1st, 2023

Exercise, exercise, exercise — do it, and your body will thank you. You may have rolled your eyes, and that statement or others like it, but when you have arthritis, you no longer have the option to ignore the importance of exercise.  Dr. David Wu and our team at CurePain...

8 Serious Health Complications of Untreated Chronic Pain Jan 18th, 2023

We’ve all experienced the short-lived pains accompanying a stubbed toe, a broken bone, or a shallow scrape.  Some of us  — roughly 25% — experience a very different type of pain called chronic pain. Chronic pain is persistent pain that lasts three months or longer and interferes with daily activities....

Radiofrequency Ablation For Back Pain: How Does It Work? Dec 1st, 2022

From sports injuries to the effects of aging, any problem, big or small, can bring down your back and leave you keeled over in pain. Instead of spinning your wheels looking for the right combination of pain medication and stretches to relieve your back pain, turn to our expert and...

7 Key Benefits of Physical Therapy for Pain Management Nov 1st, 2022

Have you ever noticed that physical therapy (PT) is a key treatment recommendation for most pain problems? From persistent lower back pain and sciatica to chronic joint pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, PT has an outsized role in decreasing inflammation, restoring strength and mobility, providing long-lasting pain relief, and helping you heal. At CurePain in Torrance, California, interventional pain management specialist Dr....

How to Get Carpal Tunnel Relief Without Surgery Oct 1st, 2022

Your hands and arms are tingling, numb, and throbbing with pain, and you’ve been dealing with it for months. You have carpal tunnel syndrome. And if you’re like the many others suffering from this painful condition, you may feel destined for the operating table.  We know there’s a better way. ...

How Better Sleep Habits Can Help Your Joints Sep 1st, 2022

When the conversation turns to joint pain, many stop at the physical symptoms, like the aches and pains. Many forget to talk about the 80% of people living with chronic joint pain who aren’t able to sleep at night — so we’re going to.  Here, our team at CurePain, led by pain management specialist Dr....

5 Encouraging Facts About Sciatica Aug 1st, 2022

When you have back pain, it can be hard to look past your symptoms and find the silver lining. But with sciatica, you can.  Here, Dr. David Wu, our interventional pain management expert at CurePain, shares a few encouraging facts about sciatica so you can approach the recovery process positively.  #1 Movement is a great...

Understanding the Signs of Cervical Radiculopathy Jul 1st, 2022

There are few things more frustrating than neck pain — even holding your head up becomes a chore when your neck hurts.  You can try the creams and the stretching techniques that promise relief, but it’s important to know that not all neck pain is created (or treated) equally. In...

Bad Habits That Are Making Your Headaches Worse Jun 1st, 2022

There are few things more difficult than trying to do life with a headache — and finding out you’re to blame doesn't make it any easier. But recognizing how your bad habits impact your headaches is a crucial step in finding lasting relief.  Here, Dr. David Wu, our interventional pain...

How Better Posture Can Improve Your Overall Health May 1st, 2022

From gym membership to diet overhauls, there are lots of ways you can improve your health. While eating healthier and getting more exercise are certainly effective ways to become a healthier person, there are some even simpler things you can do to complement those efforts and help you reach your...

Signs Your Headaches Need Medical Attention Apr 1st, 2022

The show your kid won’t stop watching, the smell of your coworker’s perfume, the cold you’ve been nursing for a few days — these are all triggers for the occasional headache. Fortunately, they typically go away after a good night’s sleep and some over-the-counter medication.  But what happens when your...

Benefits of Interventional Pain Management Mar 1st, 2022

Interventional pain management is a multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain that works to relieve your pain and reduce your symptoms. Bonus: It does all that without a prescription or a scalpel.  Sounds too good to be true? Many think so and spend years spinning their wheels trying to find a...

Understanding the Root Cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Feb 1st, 2022

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most pervasive nerve conditions in the United States, impacting upwards of 10 million people.  One of the best ways to treat and avoid carpal tunnel syndrome is to understand what causes it. Here, Dr. David Wu, our interventional pain management specialist at CurePain,...

How Long Can Epidural Corticosteroid Injections Relieve My Sciatica? Dec 1st, 2021

Back pain is one the most prevalent conditions in the United States, affecting eight out of every 10 people. For some, their symptoms will come and go in a matter of days and with the help of a dose or two of ibuprofen from their medicine cabinet. But if you...

How You Can Play a Role In Headache Prevention Nov 1st, 2021

Headaches are among the most common nervous system disorders, impacting nearly half of the global population. Unfortunately, many individuals with chronic headaches don’t realize that much of the power to stop them is in their hands. Dr. David Wu, our pain management and headache specialist at CurePain, is on a...

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Oct 1st, 2021

If you think physical therapy is just for sidelined athletes, think again. Physical therapy has been used to help patients rehab from back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome and recover from conditions, such as stroke and loss of bladder control, for many years. In short, it is one of the...

Adjusting to Life With Arthritis Sep 1st, 2021

According to the Arthritis Foundation, this painful condition is the leading cause of disability among adults in the US, preventing them from participating fully in their jobs and daily lives. If you’re one of these individuals, you know how the joint pain, stiffness, and swelling that accompany arthritis can stop...

How Your Brain Impacts Your Pain Aug 2nd, 2021

We’re not saying that your pain is all in your head, but we do believe that your brain has a powerful influence over the way you experience pain. That’s why we emphasize understanding the link between your brain and your physical symptoms and integrate this knowledge into your treatment plan. ...

The Benefits of Interventional Pain Management Jul 21st, 2021

Chronic pain impacts nearly 20% — or 50 million — Americans, and if you’re one of those individuals, traditional pain management methods can feel one-size-fits-all. But at CurePain, we believe in customized, multidisciplinary treatment plans.  Dr. David Wu, our pain management expert, knows how difficult life with chronic pain can...

What to do About Cluster Headaches Jun 9th, 2021

When you’re in the middle of a headache, it all feels the same, but there are actually at least four main types of headaches, each with its own unique set of symptoms and treatments. Among them are cluster headaches.  Dr. David Wu, our interventional pain management expert at CurePain, specializes...

Beyond Joint Pain: Lesser-Known Signs of Arthritis May 9th, 2021

Without joints, movement would be impossible. From your first steps in the morning to your final sink into bed, you rely on your joints almost every moment of the day.  Unfortunately, because your joints bear so much daily responsibility, they’re extremely vulnerable to injury and degenerative conditions. Arthritis is one...

Top 5 Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Apr 12th, 2021

Your nerves, while extremely effective in helping you sense and respond to the world around you, are incredibly vulnerable parts of your anatomy. The slightest change in pressure can cause them to send a flurry of signals telling your brain they’re in trouble.  So when your nerves feel intense irritation...

Facet Joint Injections for Back Pain: What to Expect Mar 10th, 2021

Back pain is one of the foremost pain conditions in America. Sixteen million adults experience chronic back pain that limits their daily activities. Furthermore, Americans spend an average of $12 billion in health care and indirect costs due to chronic back pain.  Many struggle to find a treatment that works...

Everything You Need To Know About Headaches Feb 11th, 2021

You’ve had so many headaches, it can be easy to dismiss them as part of normal life. And you’re not alone. The World Health Organization (WHO) found that approximately 5% of adults live with daily headaches, and almost every single person has experienced occasional headaches. Unfortunately, most will brush them...

How Spinal Stenosis Can Affect Your Neck Jan 13th, 2021

Every year, approximately 500,000 Americans suffer from symptoms of spinal stenosis. And while it’s typically a condition that affects your back, you can also experience pain and other symptoms of spinal stenosis in your neck as well.  The first step in getting the treatment you need is understanding the condition...

Interventional Pain Management for Your Chronic Pain Dec 2nd, 2020

Addiction to prescription pain medication is a huge problem in America. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 21%-29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain will misuse them.  One of the best ways to change this statistic is to offer patients a different, healthier way to manage and...

What To Do for Your Sciatica Nov 9th, 2020

If you suffer from sciatica, don’t despair as there are some effective pain relief options for your pain and discomfort. According to Harvard Medical School, 90% of patients suffer from this bothersome condition. And luckily these days we have a variety of treatment options to choose from. In this helpful...

The Foods and Drinks That Trigger Your Migraines Oct 1st, 2020

Migraine headaches are more common than you may think. A shocking 12% of the population, including children, regularly suffers from migraines. Another thing that you may not know is that certain foods and drinks can actually trigger your migraines. In this helpful guide, David Wu, MD, with offices in Torrance,...

The Best Posture Supporting Exercises for Your Back Pain Sep 22nd, 2020

As you go on about your day, you may not notice your shoulders drooping or your neck slanting down. But over time, these maladjustments can add up and take a serious toll on your back and musculoskeletal health.  In this blog, David Wu, MD, with offices in Torrance, California, discusses...

When You Should See A Doctor for Headaches Aug 21st, 2020

Most people get headaches occasionally. Sometimes, however, a headache can be a side effect of a more serious condition, such as a concussion or stroke. In this blog, David Wu, MD, discusses when it may be necessary to seek care for head pain. When to seek emergency care Most people...

Working From Home? Here's the Best Ways to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Jul 28th, 2020

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in the United States. In fact, 3-6% of Americans have the condition. The reason it’s so common is because many people work office jobs and spend lots of time on the computer, which can place an enormous amount on strain on the wrists. And now...

Best Treatment Options for Joint Pain Jun 24th, 2020

If you suffer from joint pain, you’re not alone. More than 15 million Americans also suffer from this condition every year. And many people with joint pain don’t even realize there are treatment options.   At the interventional pain management practice of David Wu, MD, in Torrance, California, we’re here to...

Which Interventional Pain Management Technique is Right For Me? May 27th, 2020

We know what a huge impact pain can have on your life. And we also know how risky prescription pain drugs can be when it comes to pain management. Studies show that in the United States, 128 people die of an opioid overdose every day.   At the interventional pain management...

The Long Term Effects of Ignoring a Herniated Disc Apr 22nd, 2020

You may notice intense back pain that comes and goes, or you may feel shooting pain from your back that goes down your legs. If you’ve ignored these symptoms, you shouldn’t. These are often signs of a herniated disc.  At the pain-management practice of David Wu, MD, we know just...

Learn How The Simplicity Probe Aides Your Joint Pain Mar 1st, 2020

If you have arthritis in your joints, you know just how difficult it can be to perform everyday tasks, such as bending, walking, or just moving. Fortunately, there’s a minimally invasive treatment that can relieve your joint pain. The Simplicity™ Probe is a radiofrequency ablation device that can stop problematic...

The Other Side of Pain Management: Cognitive Strategies Feb 1st, 2020

Did you know that more than 25 million Americans live with chronic pain? If you live with chronic pain, you know just how taxing it can be on both your mental and physical health. You’ve likely been prescribed pain medications to treat it, but pain medications can cause harsh side...

How Spinal Cord Stimulation Works to Manage Pain Jan 3rd, 2020

Injuries to the spine are no joke. Besides any pain that you may feel while sitting or standing still, you could be hampered by pain in any or all of your daily activities. You may be feeling this pain due to an auto accident, an inherited or genetic disorder, a...

Best Ergonomic Tools to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Dec 1st, 2019

Carpal tunnel syndrome is thought to affect 3-6% of working U.S. adults at any given point in time. Carpal tunnel can cause pain in the wrist and hand, cramping, numbness, and other issues that make it hard to function. At the South Bay, Torrance, California offices of Dr. David Wu,...

Is Your Diet Causing Those Chronic Headaches? Nov 1st, 2019

Chronic headaches are a source of misery for many people. In fact, more than 45 million Americans deal with chronic headaches. Chronic headaches occur more than 15 days of the month, but many people live with daily headaches. Twice as many women as men suffer from chronic daily headaches. Chances...

How Your Weight Affects Your Sciatica Pain Oct 1st, 2019

Sciatica is a painful condition that’s caused by a slipped spinal disc in about 85% of cases. Your discs are jelly doughnut-like spheres that separate your vertebrae and act as shock absorbers so they don’t grind against one another when you walk, run, or jump.  If a spinal disc ruptures...

The Dangers of Tech Neck Sep 1st, 2019

Odds are you’ve heard of the health consequences of too much screen time. Stare at your screen for too long and your eyes will get dry and itchy. Look at your screen before attempting to sleep and get ready for a restless night of interrupted sleep. Add in that the vast...

What Makes PRP Therapy So Effective for Chronic Pain? Aug 2nd, 2019

Constant, unrelenting, chronic pain has a ripple effect on your body and on your life. Most patients and their doctors have turned to opioid medications to reduce that pain, but the solution has made the problem worse.  Since the late 1990s, when pharmaceutical companies assured physicians that opioids were not...

Is Arthritis Preventable? Jul 1st, 2019

Depending on your lifestyle and family history, arthritis may affect you at some point in your life – just one of the benefits of getting older! Because arthritis symptoms can limit your ability to participate in some of your favorite physical activities, it’s important to learn and practice preventive measures...

Tension, Migraine, & Cluster Headaches: What Are the Differences and Best Treatment Methods? Jun 1st, 2019

Your head is hurting. A lot! So what do you do about it? In this blog, David Wu, MD, goes over the three main types of headaches so you can determine how to lessen the pain, lessen the frequency, and even prevent them. What’s a tension headache? If your head...

The Best Ways to Manage Your Joint Pain May 6th, 2019

Pain from inflamed joints can make it hard to walk and may stop you from enjoying activities you normally like to do. You may even be taking over-the-counter pain medications just to make it through each day. If you’re experiencing joint pain and it’s affecting your quality of life, there...

Do You Work in an Office? Here's How You Can Prevent Developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Apr 9th, 2019

You have plenty of things to focus on other than pain when you’re at work. Thankfully, there’s a lot you can do to lower your risk of a common source: carpal tunnel syndrome. Caused by pressure on the median nerve that gives you sensation in your thumbs and fingers (except...

3 Factors That Put You at Greater Risk of Developing Neck Pain Mar 1st, 2019

Your cervical spine, otherwise known as your neck, is the slenderest portion of your spine. Just seven small vertebral bones are responsible for holding your 9-pound-plus head upright and allowing it to move without inhibition or pain. The combination of carrying a heavy load and being relatively small puts your...

What You Should Know About the Pain Caused by a Herniated Disc Feb 1st, 2019

For those in their 30s to 50s, about 2 in every 100 will experience a herniated disc in their spines, with men twice as likely to have one than women. Discs between vertebrae act as your body’s shock absorbers, cushioning the thousands of little impacts your body undergoes every day....

Why Physical Therapy Plays Such an Important Role in Recovery Jan 7th, 2019

Whether you’ve recently undergone surgery or suffered a musculoskeletal injury, physical therapy (PT) may be recommended as part of your recovery plan. There are many people out there who aggressively avoid exercise -- and physical therapy often resembles, you guessed it, exercise. So what is it about physical therapy that...

5 Tips to Avoid Back Pain Dec 19th, 2018

Back pain is one of the most common physical complaints that brings patients to their doctors’ offices. It’s estimated that around 80% of adults will experience back pain at some point during their lives. In some cases, back pain is unavoidable, whether it’s from injury or degenerative conditions. In other...

Injections: Should I Consider Them to Relieve Chronic Pain? Nov 29th, 2018

One of every four Americans has experienced pain lasting more than 24 hours. Chronic pain is more than simply an ongoing unpleasant sensation. It’s an interruption to your daily living, often interfering with your ability to perform routine tasks and undermining your enjoyment of life. While pain medication can often...

3 Interesting Facts About Chronic Headaches Oct 31st, 2018

Even a mild headache with its nagging discomfort can throw your day out of alignment.  Severe headaches can cause you to dim the lights and tune out everything but your pain. Thankfully, most people only have a handful of headaches every year. Many individuals, about 30 million in the United...

Why You Should Never Ignore Sciatic Nerve Pain Sep 21st, 2018

One of the more chronic forms of nerve pain stems from the sciatic nerve, a major pathway from the spine and down each leg. Often called sciatica, this isn’t a condition in itself, but rather symptoms of compression somewhere along the nerve’s route. There are many reasons why the sciatic...

Is Chronic Joint Pain Normal As You Age? Aug 15th, 2018

Do you find yourself grunting more often when you get out of a chair? Are your joints achy in the evening and stiff in the morning? Are you reaching for your over-the-counter medications on a daily basis to combat chronic pain?Though you may assume that joint pain is just part...

How to Incorporate Injections Into Your Pain Management Routine Jul 11th, 2018

How to Incorporate Injections Into Your Pain Management Routine More Americans than ever are living with some form of pain, and more than 25 million of them experience long-lasting pain. Along with treatments such as physical therapy and medication, adding injections to your regimen can help address the source of the...

Living With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome   Jun 19th, 2018

Anyone who’s struggled with carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, knows the problem isn’t simply a matter of discomfort and pain. Compromised use of your hands is a serious matter, for earning a living or even just getting through your day. The pain of the condition can keep you awake at...

Will a Herniated Disc Heal on its Own? May 17th, 2018

When you’re suffering from the pain and discomfort of a herniated disc, you might wonder if it will heal on its own. Herniated discs aren’t universally the same: There are several types, they can have different causes, and each one has different symptoms. Also, after you’ve had a back injury,...

Best Pillows for Neck Pain Apr 18th, 2018

From the moment you get up until you lay your head back down at night, your neck is hard at work almost every second of every waking hour. That’s why your choice of a pillow can mean the difference between a thoroughly rested neck and one that starts the day...

I Exercise Regularly, So Why Do I Have Sciatica Pain? Mar 22nd, 2018

Sciatica pain is a symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve, which is the largest single nerve in your body that runs from each side of your lower spine, branches through each side of your buttocks and down the back of the each thigh, and runs down to the foot. This...

Using Cognitive Strategies to Relieve Pain Mar 13th, 2018

We all know aches and pains are tough, but when you experience pain that doesn’t go away, it can be debilitating. Struggling through work and missing out on the things that matter most is no way to live. At his clinic in Torrance, California, Dr. David Wu offers patients a...

Common Exercise Mistakes That Hurt Your Joints Jan 23rd, 2018

If you’re exercising, then congratulations on your commitment to fitness. You’re bettering your heart and respiratory health, keeping up your stamina, and managing your weight. Sometimes, however, exercise just hurts -- and not in the satisfying, “hard-effort” way.If your joints ache when you exercise, it may be a side effect...

12 Tips for Avoiding Migraine Triggers Jan 8th, 2018

As many as 37 million people in the United States have migraines, and about 5 million of them have at least one migraine per month. Although triggers do not cause people to have migraines, they can bring about an attack. Here are a few tips on understanding triggers and how...