The Best Posture Supporting Exercises for Your Back Pain

As you go on about your day, you may not notice your shoulders drooping or your neck slanting down. But over time, these maladjustments can add up and take a serious toll on your back and musculoskeletal health. 

In this blog, David Wu, MD, with offices in Torrance, California, discusses how a poor posture can contribute to back pain and how posture-supporting exercises can help alleviate your pain and discomfort. Read on to learn how better posture through exercise can help resolve your back pain.

How to tell when your back pain is caused by a bad posture

If your job requires you to stay in one position for prolonged periods of time, you might begin to slouch or lean too far forward. If you find yourself doing this a lot, this could be the culprit behind your back pain

Another sign that bad posture may be the cause of your back pain is that your pain starts at the top of your back and works its way down. It may begin with a headache, stiff neck, and aching shoulders that progresses into your lower back. It may also subside when you change positions.

Improving your posture

One great way to improve your bad posture is to get up and get moving. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and snap your posture back into place. Try stretching regularly and exercising. You can try yoga as well.

If you have a desk job, imagine that your head is on a string of pearls that’s held up. Place your elbows at a 90 degree angle and your ankles parallel to your knees.  

Posture supporting exercises for lower back pain 

A great way to both reduce your lower back pain and correct your bad posture is to turn to strengthening exercises. Try crunches or other abdominal exercises that can strengthen your core and lower back muscles, which can support your back. 

Stretching is also important, as it can help keep your muscles strong and flexible. Stretching can also ease tension in your shoulders, neck, back, hips, and legs. 

If you have chronic back pain, David Wu, MD, can help you get relief. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with the office of David Wu, MD, today.

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